Überall dort, wo von den Regierungen versucht wird, die Bevölkerung zur Impfung zu treiben, wird bewusste Volksverdummung betrieben.
Warum? Weil sie uns wirklich für so blöd halten ... na ja ... wenn man ehrlich ist, erreichen sie ja tatsächlich viele Menschen damit, also liegen sie mit ihrer Meinung ja nicht gänzlich daneben.
Admin opinion time:
I’m embarrassed for humanity. When politicians, corporations and other companies like Shake Shack start offering free fast food, alcohol, lotteries and other prizes to anyone who gets a dangerous gene therapy injection that is killing thousands, than we have a serious problem. These tactics are clearly targeting a specific income bracket person/household. Not to mention they aren’t offering anything healthy but a bunch of junk food. How about talk to your citizens about how to actually stay healthy by eating clean foods and exercising.
Ask yourself why they are so desperate to get people to take this thing, that need need to bribe grown adults and make jokes out of it in the process.
Hey de Blasio, shame on you! What an absolute clown show this is.